Answer: A maximum of three students may collaborate to write and submit their project proposal.
Answer: This is student-led so all students are welcome to submit their proposals to the school. However the school will be responsible for submitting the proposals via the entry form found on the website.
Answer: It is strongly recommended that a replacement is not made as it will limit the learning experience of the new students as he/she would be starting in the middle of the project; he/she would be missing out on certain stages of the project, the discussions, group bonding sessions etc. Along with that, it can also adversely impact group dynamics.
Answer: For schools in Pakistan: a project coordinator can be any member of the teaching staff for the selected project class set or a member of the school leadership team. For international schools: a member of the teaching staff will be the project coordinator.
Answer: The project coordinators of the paired schools will coordinate and decide the tentative timelines for each stage before the project starts. They can change the timelines as per need as the project progresses. However, the submission date for the final project outcome will not change.
Answer: Yes, all students will receive a certificate of participation. All the project coordinators will receive a certificate as well.
Answer: Final outcome will be submitted in collaboration with the paired schools, as it will be one final outcome per project. The paired schools will be submitting one final outcome.
Q. Are the project coordinators supposed to provide evidence of all mentioned stages of the project?
Answer: Project coordinators are required to gather evidence for their own record but they do not need to provide evidence of the stages, unless asked for it. Project Coordinators will be responsible for ensuring that students are engaging in the project, at each stage.
Answer: The final outcome will be based on research, collaborative discussions, and reflection. As per the guidelines, the groups can decide how they want to present the final outcome, for example, should it be in the form of a video, documentary, photo album, etc.
Answer: Project coordinators need to maintain a list of participating students and ensure that the agreement form is signed by all the participating students after sharing the content of the form with them. Schools will maintain a record of all signed agreements. The list of participants will be required for acknowledgement in form of certificates.
Answer: This will be collectively agreed by the students and project coordinators of the paired schools.
Answer: All the online collaborations and meetings have to be conducted under the supervision of the project coordinator.
Answer: This will be collectively agreed by the students and project coordinators of the paired schools.
Answer: All final projects will be displayed in the virtual exhibition.
Answer: Groups can use any video making software as long as it is approved by the school, adheres to the E-Safety Guidelines and supervised by the project coordinator.
Answer: The group meetings will be for the students under the supervision of the project coordinator.
Answer: Students will work on the projects from their homes, using online collaboration tools.
Answer: Individual students cannot take part in the project. This is a group project.
Answer: It is strongly recommended that one project coordinator is identified per school and that selected person’s details are shared in the entry form for ease of communication and coordination.
Answer: Final Project can be in any form (video, documentary, presentation, anthology etc.) Group members will decide how they want to present their final outcome.
Answer: It is up to groups and project coordinators to decide how to manage the collaboration and which online tools to use, whether through meetings or other ways of collaborating.
Answer: Students will compile the final outcome, which can be a video, but any medium can be used.
Answer: in the first stage, that is the project proposal stage, schools can work individually. However, once the schools are paired in the second stage, rest of the project stages are to be done and completed, collectively online with all school teams and Project Coordinators present. As all projects are developed on the PBL (problem-based learning) and CBL (connections-based learning) model, they require community building strategies, giving agency through voice and choice to students, and collaboratively identifying and solving real life problems. Therefore it is highly recommended that all communications and activities i.e. readings, discussions and decision-making are done when the entire group is present online.
Answer: Due to the unique nature of this project and given the different geographical locations and time zones for each group, it is recommended that the Project Coordinators mutually number and duration of sessions they would like to conduct within a week with all the students. It is therefore also recommended that Project Coordinators exchange contact details with each other prior to beginning the project and mutually decide on the timings, duration and number of sessions per week before commencement of the project.